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08 Ene 2009

Canon 5d mark II

Canon ha sacado una actualización de firmware (v1.0.7) para la Canon EOS 5D Mark II, el cual corrige dos deficiencias: el fenómeno de los “puntos negros“, ampliamente discutido en los foros de internet, además de unas raras bandas verticales cuando la cámara está configurada en sRAW1.

La información que acompaña al nuevo firmware recomienda que los usuarios de Canon Digital Photo Professional (DPP) y Picture Style Editor, también deben actualizar estas aplicaciones. Via

What has changed in Firmware Version 1.0.7?
It improves and mitigates the following image quality phenomena.

  1. “Black dot” phenomenon (the right side of point light sources becomes black)
    When shooting night scenes, the right side of point light sources (such as lights from building windows) may become black. The phenomenon may become visible if the images are enlarged to 100% or greater on a monitor or if extremely large prints of the images are made. This firmware improves and mitigates this phenomenon.
  2. Vertical banding noise
    If the recording format is set to sRAW1, vertical banding noise may become visible depending on the camera settings, subject, and background. The firmware improves and mitigates this phenomenon.

Why is it required to update the Digital Photo Professional and Picture Style Editor software?
If the existing software applications are used to display sRAW1 and sRAW2 images that were captured by a camera with Firmware Version 1.0.7, dark, low-contrast areas in the images may appear slightly magenta. If the updated software applications are used to display sRAW1 and sRAW2 images, the color of the images will appear normal, regardless of the camera firmware version.

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